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Skye Cheung

Skye is a Canadian-Asian artist, an Ecofeminist, a poet. The aim of her work is for meditative purposes and offers a safe haven from patriarchal violence. It is her hope that these sublime images of nature will evoke empowering Neofeminist strength to overcome adversity from our patriarchal society. Skye's personal struggle with domestic violence shapes her artistic purpose, aesthetic and creative process. Skye's background in art history and education feeds her curiosity in simultaneously referencing and questioning patriarchal norms.


Land Acknowledgement

I encourage you to reflect on the history of the land that you are viewing my work from.


Skyrouje studio is located on the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit and the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, the Wendat, and the Haudenosaunee.

I am grateful to work on this land.





Please contact me for purchases. Include the artwork title in the subject line.

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